I'm baaaaaaack!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

My Sir and I bantered a lot today. It was nice, sweet, and fun. We chatted with some friends, including a couple we haven't seen in a while, and that was awesome, too. I came home in a good frame of mind after I went with my dad to a doctor's appointment. It was a pretty decent day. (I did get punished, but it's a way to remind me not to forget next time... which is, I suppose, the point of punishment.)

But if you follow my Sir's blog, you'll notice his post today doesn't seem like it at all. His sleep issues paired with the wind and high pressure system we're having, as well as his everyday ailments and potentially a head cold... they erased it all (for him) in the last couple of hours. I'm in no way complaining about that, because I can so completely relate to it, I'm just explaining what I see in him. Poor guy. I just brought him some cold medicine, a glass of water, pulled the blanket 'round his shoulders and kissed him goodnight. I know he's stressed about tomorrow, but hopefully we'll worry about that then. I hope he can sleep.

I'm nearly done with all my tasks today. After this, I just need to fold today's load of laundry, and then I'll be done. I am succeeding, despite my best efforts to self-sabotage, and despite my worst fears. It's a good feeling. Meditating daily is helping me, I think. I had a good day, despite a few hiccups. I just wish I could ease his suffering, somehow.

Well, the clothes are done, so I'm going to go fold 'em! Have a great night!

Update 1/25 11am: I edited this post to be more clear. His mood in no way brought me down. I genuinely understand how just a few factors can make the entire day feel like a bad one, and my intent was to gently remind him that the day had been a pretty good one, prior to his emotional shift as illustrated in his entry yesterday, that's all.

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