I'm baaaaaaack!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Long week!

I've been so friggin' busy this week! Yesterday I kinda collapsed and did nothing all day. It was fantastic. Today I've been a little moody, but I'm catching up on my sleep. Tomorrow is my dad's procedure, so keep us in your thoughts (etc) if you would. It's outpatient, but they're going to be looking for cancer, so he's pretty worried about it.

As for me, I've been dwelling pretty heavily on Monday's flogging. I was mostly floating all over the place, but there are some moments I remember, like fragments of a dream.

She liked my socks. I wore striped knee-highs, and she thought they were delightful. She smiled.

She spoke about her floggers and passed them around for us to feel. She explained what the purpose was for the material, design, and length in each one. She reminisced about where they came from and discussed ways to start a collection with not very much money. She patiently answered questions.

She touched my back, intimately. Someone suggested I take my shirt off, and I felt so proud of myself when I did. She complimented my breasts; said they were lovely. I think I blushed. I thanked her.

The sound of her demonstrating Florentine flogging in the air was intimidating and it made my head buzz. I laughed and told her so, and she laughed, too.

I had a chair in front of me to brace myself against, but I wasn't really using it. Then she landed the first hard blow and it knocked me forward, just off-balance, and I felt like the wind had been knocked out of me. I made sure I had my hands on that chair after that.

She and my Sir spoke casually behind my back (literally, as I was faced away with my eyes shut most of the time) about my reactions, different techniques, and how she read my body language.

The one with the rubber and leather falls raised welts on my back and I didn't think I could bear it, but I did.

She held me up against her at the end and said that I was such a good girl... and I beamed. I didn't want her to stop, but I knew she had to go.

It was an entirely positive experience, and one I'm looking to repeat.

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